

CrGlobal is the global class containing the vbgenlib library's generic procedures which are useful, general, and totally encapsulated.



 CrStringTrimOption trim option for strings  
 CrTypeClass data type class (a type, kind, class, or sort of data type - data type group)  


 StringBufferLengthDefault (get) 
 StringBufferLengthDefault (let) 


 ApplicationShutdownStandard simple, yet clean shutdown procedure for M$VB applications  
 BitArray represent an integer value as a bit array  
 BitArrayRender represent a bit array as a string  
 BitArrayToByte represent a bit array as a 1-byte integer value  
 BitArrayToInteger represent a bit array as a 2-byte integer value  
 BitArrayToLong represent a bit array as a 4-byte integer value  
 BitArrayToVariant represent a bit array as an integer value  
 BitNegative determine the "negative bit" of a data type  
 BitOn determine whether a specified bit is on (i.e., set, one) in an integer value  
 BitSet copy an integer value and set a bit on  
 BitShift perform bit-wise shift operation  
 BitShiftLeft perform left bit-wise shift operation  
 BitShiftRight perform right bit-wise shift operation  
 BitValue determine integer value of the specified bit for the specified data type  
 BitValueBit determine bit number of the specified integer value  
 BooleanFromString determine whether the specified string represents a true value or false value  
 CrArrayNew instantiate and populate a CrArray object with the specified values  
 CrArrayNewFromArray instantiate and populate a CrArray object with elements from an array  
 CrArrayNewFromString instantiate and populate a CrArray object with elements created by splitting a string  
 CrVersionNew instantiate and populate a CrVersion object with the specified values  
 FunctionAddressEvaluate kludge for the AddressOf design bug  
 FunctionCallByAddress call a function (by address)  
 IntegerRandomWithinRange generate a random signed 4-byte integer within a specified range  
 POSIX_sprintf bastard version of the POSIX sprintf function  
 StringRcsKeywordNameParse parse an RCS expansion of the Name keyword assuming the form: [project-]M[_m[_p[_s]]]  
 StringRcsKeywordStrip strip the standard parts from an RCS expansion of a keyword  
 StringReplace replace all occurrances of a substring in a string with a replacement string  
 TypeClass determine the data type class to which a data type (variant sub-type) belongs  
 TypeConvert convert the given value to the given data type (arrays supported)  
 TypeConvertBasic convert the given value to the given data type (arrays not supported here)  
 ValueInList determine whether the given value is equal to any of the values in the given list  